Legal Lens: Viewing Law Through Ingrum Expertise

Managing Partner and attorney Jay Ingrum is a 2016 graduate of the Tennessee Bar Association's Leadership Law program known as TBALL. Leadership Law is a selective leadership program where approximately forty attorneys from all across the state of Tennessee are selected to participate each year after a rigorous application process. The purpose of the Leadership Law program is to build better leaders in the practice of law and to encourage attorneys to get involved in their local bar associations, to encourage attorneys to engage in local, state, and national politics, and to actually encourage attorneys to run for political office.
TBALL is a six-month long program that takes place in all three grand divisions with weekend sessions in Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville, and Memphis, plus a retreat and Montgomery Bell State Park. Participants listen to, engage with, and learn from a wide array of legal experts from all across the state and the nation. Gaining knowledge and insight into different areas of the law and how attorneys can take on leadership roles in their communities is the main focus of the program. At the end of each Leadership Law class their is a graduation and an awards ceremony.
In 2016, Jay Ingrum was awarded the Larry Dean Wilks Leadership Award for his class. Jay considers this one of the highest honors that he has ever received during his legal career due to the quality of the Leadership Law program and due to the quality of his classmates.