Family Law
Ingrum Law is honored to have assisted countless families with completing or expanding their families through adoption. Absent very specific circumstances, before an adoption can take place, the parental rights (or potential rights) of one or more people must be terminated or surrendered. In addition to adoptions, our attorneys have experience both pursuing and defending termination of parental rights.
We have represented adoptive parents and birth parents in stepparent adoptions, grandparent and other relative adoptions, adult adoptions, and those circumstances where no prior legal relationship exists. In recent years, Tennessee has also formalized the use of Post Adoption Contact Agreements, which is a way to effectuate what parties commonly refer as "open adoption" and something we are able to negotiate for any party involved.
Termination of parental rights and adoptions are procedurally complex, and our attorneys can help you navigate the options that be suit your circumstances with a consultation.
Divorce can be a troubling time, and unfortunately alimony or spousal support is not a cut-and-dried process. There is no set formula, worksheet or calculator that leads to a clear and final outcome. Rather, alimony is based on many compounding factors, like age, property and fault, but the overriding factors are need and ability to pay. Litigation over alimony or spousal support can be very intense, and our lawyers are highly trained to help you find every minute detail that will determine the outcome of the case.
Child custody and visitation rights can play as enormous role in the lives of both the parent and the child. When determining these rights, the state of Tennessee utilizes what is called "parenting plans," which are designed to give children permanency and stability as soon as possible even though a divorce may still be ongoing. Usually, a proposed temporary parenting plan will be put in place to establish as much normalcy for the child as possible until a permanent plan can be instituted. Ingrum Law attorneys know the law well, and we know how to make sure that you and your child get the best possible outcome.
Child support is a complicated issue that requires parents to consider a variety of factors involving income, taxes and, most importantly, the well-being of a child. Fortunately, Ingrum Law attorneys can help any parent navigate the complex web of legal forms and worksheets that will help determine the future. We are well-versed in the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines that govern the setting, payment and collection of child support.
There is a lot at stake in any divorce case, and emotions often run high, but our lawyers take an even, keel, fact-based approach that allows for the best outcome for you and your family. We are well-versed in every step, from the first "Complaint for Absolute Divorce" to the final decision, or the "Granting of Divorce." We'll make sure that you file accurate and complete divorce data so that the judge makes the best possible decision based on facts.
If you are planning to marry, especially if your marriage will involve blending families, consult our office to discuss whether a prenuptial agreement might be a useful tool. Ingrum Law attorneys can give expert advice about what needs to be included in prenuptial and postnuptial agreements and what it takes for such legal contracts to be binding upon the parties so that they can withstand legal scrutiny in a court of law.